
Sea Speak Sphere would like to thank every individual listed in the ‘Ocean Voices’ directory for participating in the “Message in a Bottle” campaign and for furnishing the forum with informative, insightful, and truly compelling statements promoting marine conservation. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of them for the work that they do, and we are so profoundly honored to be able to channel their passion for marine conservation through Asher Jay’s art. Thank you all for your encouraging responses and unfettered faith in the creativity fostered by this platform.

We would like to credit Deborah Basset, the multifaceted, inadvertent Non-Profit PR engine of the marine conservation movement, for her ability to serve as a phenomenal connector and advisor. We want to praise Susanna Chang, the creator of Zeroplane for her unwavering support of our conservation crusade, and for her assistance in making this online portal a reality, Cristalle Noel whose distinguished work ethic and positive energy helped us prepare and prime the base elements for this installation well ahead of schedule and Dar Riser of Good Light Works, for taking meticulous care while photographing the discrete components of our three dimensional oeuvre. We also wish to credit Karimah Gottschalk, Allison Collins, Emily Christensen, Dar Riser, Jennifer Seeger, Stephan Lower, Melissa Ng, Salma Allam, Susanna Petrin and Suzann Davis for assisting us with preparatory work for this piece.

We are grateful to Charlotte Vick for bringing Asher Jay on board as a Google Ocean Partner for the Sylvia Earle Alliance and for facilitating several meaningful introductions at the UN and the Explorer’s Club. We would also like to express our gratitude toward Deb Castellana, the Director of Communications at Mission Blue SEA, and Mera McGraw, editor and content provider for Mission Blue SEA.

We would like to thank Anne Doubilet, a respected voice in the blue community, for her incredible support of this endeavor, the introductions she facilitated, and for sharing this collaborative campaign via the Explorer’s Club social media channels.

We would like to acknowledge all the members of Press for any and all reviews, articles, podcasts, radio shows and interviews pertaining to this campaign, without your interest, it would have been impossible to disseminate the urgent blue memos of our time, conveyed by those who participated in this symbiotic venture.

Sea Speak Sphere: Message in a Bottle was entirely stirred by and in response to a poignant and core shaking issue-awareness short created by world renowned cinematographer Robert Talbot for the WCPA. The urgency of the time we live in demands efficient and effective communication, because as Bob Talbot says, “we are out of time.” Kindly take a few minutes to view Bob’s noteworthy video here


Sea Speak Sphere